Everything You Need To Know About Vape Batteries

Batteries are the source that powers up your vaping device. To ensure the long life of your vaping device. You need to take good care of the battery. This guide here will tell you everything you need to know about your vape batteries.

It contains information for all the beginner and advanced vapers. From avoiding a battery malfunction to maximize its life. It has all for you. Read more to find out.

Types of Batteries

Generally, there are two types of batteries used in an e-cigarette. The first one is the automatic battery, and the second is the manual battery.

Automatic Battery

The automatic battery was the first of its kind when e-cigarettes were introduced. They were used in conventional cigarettes like vapers. When you inhale on an e-cigarette, the battery activates and lets you inhale the e-juice. A sensor was placed inside the e-cig that used to trigger through the rush of air. It was a little confusing for vapers at first however, once gets adjusted to it with time.

Manual Battery

On the other hand, manual batteries are also used in vapes or e-cigarettes. For a manual battery, a person has to hold or press a button to activate the vape. It then heats the coil inside and gives out vapors of e-juice.

Variable Wattage Battery

Variable wattage batteries are an upgrade to the manual batteries. They are triggered with the help of a button. But there is more to it. A variable wattage or voltage battery allows you to control the power. You can increase or decrease the voltage provided by the battery and control the amount of vapor you need. These are designed to give vapers a strong and low hit of the vapors.

Now that you know what types of batteries a vaping device has. The following few points will help maintain a battery and maximize its life.

  1. Charging

Whenever you purchase a battery, make sure to charge it completely. Lithium-ion batteries cannot be overcharged. Overcharging reduces their life. However, an initial charge should be complete before using the battery.

  1. Storage

Storage matters as well while in a battery’s life. Store your battery in a cool and dry place. Make sure it is not exposed to heat and sunlight. Before keeping your battery to storage for a longer period. Ensure that it has at least a 40% charge. This gives the protection circuit enough power to stay alive.

  1. Charge Before Draining

Charge your batteries before it discharges completely. A completely discharged battery will have more strain than a slightly discharged one. Hence giving it less strain would help increase its life. So, it is important to charge your battery before it discharges fully.

  1. 4. Power Off when Not Using

If you are not using your vaping device. You should turn the batteries off. Running a battery on without using it will damage your coil and drain the battery as well.

  1. Use a Protector Case

When you are carrying your vape around, you might need extra batteries. Make sure you have a proper battery protection case to carry your batteries around. Keeping it in your pocket or with other stuff might cause a short circuit if it comes in contact with metal. You can find out a case when you search for vaping vatteries in the UK and its accessories.


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